To list all databases along with their size in bytes on a particular server. $resource_group="rg-demo" $server="mssql-demo-dev" $databases=$(az sql db...
Azure Artifacts Permissions Go to permissions of the project-scoped artifact and provide permissions to Build service of that project. Search in this...
Authentication Service Principal $env:ARM_CLIENT_ID='' $env:ARM_CLIENT_SECRET='' $env:ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID='' $env:ARM_TENANT_ID='' export...
#build-stage.yml stages: - stage: Build ${{ if eq(parameters.enableVariableGroups, 'true') }}: variables: - ${{ each group in...
JavaScript FROM node:16.16.0 AS builder # Set an ARG to decide whether to run SONARSCAN ARG SONAR_SCANNER_VERSION= ARG SONARSCAN=false ARG...
#To run only for Pull requests ( to do the inverse use 'ne' instead of 'eq') condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['Build.Reason'],...